Thursday, July 23, 2015

Why I Believe in Fairytales

Remember growing up listening to your parents read you fairytales and watching the movie Peter Pan? Or Aladdin? It seems like for us 90s kids especially, Disney movies were an essential part of our childhood. When I was watching TV the other day, Sleeping Beauty came on. I admit that even as a huge Disney fan, I hadn't seen this movie in at least five years. So I decided to watch it. It's a short movie, so I figured, "why not?" During the movie, one of my friends I was with (you know who you are :D) suddenly burst out "Disney princesses give girls unrealistic expectations." I wanted to respond with something that agreed and disagreed at the same time, because like most things in life, there are grey areas. 

And after our short conversation, my mind flooded with thoughts.

I'm aware that movies like Sleeping Beauty are far from reality. Obviously, there's a reason why these movies are called "fairytales". Of course they aren't real. But does that mean that we can't take something of value from them? No. And does that mean that Disney (or fairytales in general) gives children and adults like me who grew up with these stories the wrong idea about life? No - as long as I have at least some sanity. 

Fairytales aren't unrealistic, where protagonists always get their way and don't have hardships. I would argue that fairytales actually expose real-life hardships.

I'd also venture to say that a fairytale's greatest lesson is that true love conquers all.

Think about Ariel from The Little Mermaid. She had a beautiful voice. She was a princess; she had it all. But she gave up her voice. She walked in pain with every step she took. And she tried to find the man she loved even though she knew it was a difficult dream to fulfill.

Remember the Fox and the Hound? Two friends, happy as could be. They grew up together. They played together. But once they grew up, they were told to hate each other. In the end, though, they realized their friendship was more important than prejudices they were "supposed to have".

Prince Charming searched the kingdom for Snow White before he rescued her from a deep sleep. Prince Phillip and the Beast put their lives on the line to save their beloved from danger. And Elsa was able to save Anna because of her love for her sister. I could go on.

So how are fairytales different from reality? Sure, maybe they over-exaggerate in certain aspects. But they show the nitty gritty. Nobody but Belle cared about the Beast. After all, who could care for a beast - or anyone unattractive and mean? (Raise your hand if you feel convicted like me.)

Reality is that life is messy. It's never perfect. But when you have people in your life whom you love and who love you right back, it's a little bit easier to make it through each day. And it's what we are called to do as Christians. True love, which springs from Christ, conquers fears, anger, that roller-coaster called life, and culture's loud "voice" on love and beauty. 

So to those "skeptics" out there who don't buy into fairytales, maybe it's time you do.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Living an imperfect life

Welcome to 2015, Hannah.

That's what I kept saying to myself as I kept checking my blog every so often, getting a pang of regret every single time I saw that my last post was last year in 2014.

When I think about 2014, I think about how challenging of a year it was. In hindsight and on a surface level, it was really great. At the same time, it was one of the most difficult times I'd ever been through spiritually. I'd struggled with a lot of busyness and self-doubt in my mind and in my heart, wondering what I was doing with my life and constantly trying to please everyone and be everything all at once. I really beat myself up when I failed and didn't consider those failings to be really who I was.

Then I remembered, early this year, that my identity is not found in what I do, what I like or even in my best of friends or my amazing family. These are all good things, but they're definitely not what make us who we are.

If you're a Christian, you find your identity in Christ.

What does that look like, though? It's easy to say we should put our identity in Christ, but it's harder to actually make it happen.

Here's the key: you can't.

Jesus wants us to be more like Him each and every day, and the only way we can do that is by following Him. By following Him and being in His presence, by choosing to do what most people wouldn't, and by faithfully sitting at His feet knowing that we have absolutely nothing outside of Him.

We find our identity in Christ not because we deserve it, but because He so graciously gives Himself to us over and over again. When He died on the cross for us and defeated death, He gave Himself up for us. And every day He's calling us to just sit at His feet and be. Still right there for us.

It doesn't mean we should use our screw-ups as an excuse to continue sinning, be lazy or do things half-heartedly, but it does mean that we shouldn't beat ourselves up over messing up. Jesus still loves us and wants to continue setting us apart from the world each and every day.

Here's one thing I try to remember when I still tend to want to please people or be "perfect".

Going through the motions doesn’t please You,
    a flawless performance is nothing to You.
I learned God-worship
    when my pride was shattered.
Heart-shattered lives ready for love
    don’t for a moment escape God’s notice.

-- Psalm 51:16-17 (The Message) --

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

In regards to the new year, here are some of my goals:

1.  Read the Bible more often and really soak up God's teachings. I want to grow more in His love every day.

2.  Make more time for friends and family. Grabbing coffee with a friend, taking a moment to say hello to a neighbor, and spending time with family is a much needed activity.

3.  Worry less. Need I say more? There may be rainy days, but the sun will shine again.

4.  Exercise more. Sure, I dance a lot. However, on the days I'm not dancing, be sure to find me running or at the gym.

5.  Less time on social media. In relation to #1 and #2, I want to spend less time staring at the screen and more time actively living.

6.  Take advantage of ministry opportunities. There are people in need everywhere, and a conversation or praying with them is a simple way to show them the love of Christ.

7.  Smile more and complain less.  Being grateful for the blessings and opportunities I have is so important, even when I get overwhelmed.

Happy New Year everyone!

Friday, October 11, 2013

A new adventure

I wish I had a valid excuse as to why I haven't posted for the past two months.  Unfortunately, I don't.  However, I was busy with a summer job at the pool (Pretty great huh?) and preparing to move.

You see, I went to a great community college for two years - one of the best in the country.  

I learned inside and outside the classroom, was involved in various activities and opportunities, met many people, made some great friends, and even connected with a handful of the professors that I still keep in touch with.  

I have to say, I felt a very bittersweet emotion the last day there.  I knew I would be continuing my education at a university (A very very good thing!), and things would be changing.

When I got to the university, the first couple of weeks were incredibly crazy.  One of my classes was cancelled for the entire semester, so I needed another class instead.  I also needed extra books and I was at 19 credit hours!  

During the first few weeks, I felt very frustrated about what I was doing.  I loved my school, but I didn't like having so many things up in the air.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)

Just these past few weeks, I have started to settle in and be aware of the things I have to do.  Believe me, it can be difficult, especially with 19 credits hours and dance rehearsals three times a week.

But I knew that.  I knew that going into this.  

I am thankful, because I have the opportunity to learn at a great school with a great Christian community.  

At the beginning of the semester, I felt so overwhelmed.  But God reminded me that HE cares for me and I can talk to Him at any moment of the day.

When you draw near to Him, He draws near to you.  There is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3) and God has a time for everything!

While on vacation in Michigan with my family, I changed my major.  I switched from Public Relations to Journalism.  That was in God's timing!

Because of this, I am working on the student newspaper.

I was planning to minor in dance, but after I saw how busy I would be for the rest of my three semesters, I knew it would be too much - so I switched my minor to one that would require less classes so I wouldn't go insane. 

I will still be dancing with the ensemble, and I will dance as long as the Lord allows me.  It's something I love, something I am working hard at to improve, and it's a part of me.

But again, it's His timing.  His will.  His way.

I found out recently that two classes I took at my other school college transfer over to cover a class I am currently in at the university.  Now I can withdraw from it, and this will bring my workload down for the rest of the semester.  Another blessing.

God provides.  He always provides, and it's always at the right time

So as I continue this crazy busy but great first semester at the university (As a junior!), I will be praying every step of the way and trusting that He will provide.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Places to visit in Traverse City, Michigan.

Since I've been in the cherry capital of the world for the past few days, I thought I'd do a review on a few of the stores I was able to visit in downtown Traverse City, Michigan.

Green Island Earth Friendly Goods, an eco-friendly shop, was one of the particularly interesting stores.  Upon walking in, there was a huge mural of South American birds.  The items that dominated the store seemed to be soaps, dishes, and baskets. Though many of the items were a little pricy, the durability may be worth it.

If you enjoy cooking with oils and balsamic vinegar (think European) then Fustini's is for you.  Filled with fine oils infused with interesting and exotic flavors like wild mushroom and Persian lime, and brimming with aged balsamic vinegars with accents of peach, lemon, and even lavender (yes I said it - my mom and I bought a bottle!)

Finally, once you're all tuckered out, pep up with a great cup of coffee at Espresso Bay. The homey yet hip atmosphere accompanied by the smell of coffee and a full gelato selection creates a great place for conversation or to just rev up. The vanilla latte and chai tea were delicious.

Whether you have been to Michigan or not, it is definitely worth it to visit Traverse City.  With their combination of specialty stores and friendly people, this is a place to be.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Looking at rain in a different way.

Rain.  Seems like one of those loaded words, doesn't it?  Rain is one of those neutral things that we make into a connotative word.  No longer is rain a part of the intelligent design of the water cycle by the One true God.  Instead, we see rain as a disappointment.  "It ruined my day at the pool."  "It got my new shoes wet."

I think this is how we view rain.  Though rain is so good for plants and other organisms, it seems to be a negative thing to us.

Sounds like life sometimes, right?  When something doesn't go our way or lifeis tough, it's so easy for us to focus on the problem rather than seeing the bigger picture.

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?... And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" (Matthew 6:25, 27 ESV)

It's often easier said than done, but when we ask The Lord for strength and a heart of perseverance and trust in His plan, He will give it to us!

So next time you see rain that seems so dreary, remember that it makes the grass green. And remember hard days are for a purpose too - to make you rely on Him who created you.


Saturday, June 29, 2013


Well hello there.  It took me a lot of thought to decide on whether or not I wanted to create a blog.  After all, you know how many blogs there are in this social media obsessed world we live in.  However, I finally decided to create a blog.  But why am I writing?  You might be wondering why should you read my blog at all.

The answer to this question is simple.  I write because I like to and because I have a voice.  I write because it's important.  On this blog, you'll find posts about my life, art, lifestyle, simple thoughts, important issues - and everything in between.  I'm a girl with a heart for God, a desire to learn and explore, create and express.

I know I'm only twenty and I have a lot to learn.  I am not perfect - but I don't have to be.  When I was seven years old, I embraced Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world, as my savior.  He saved me from my sin when I couldn't save myself, and even though life has ups and downs, He remains constant.

Ultimately, HE is the reason I write.  He is the reason I do anything - and whatever happens in my life is completely God's plan.  Life has a purpose when you live for the One who created you.  (John 3:16)

So ultimately, I write for Him.  I live for Him.  And I'm never turning back.

Join me as I follow the adventures of His plan.

With love,